Mavic SLR轮组的调整
Mavic SLR轮组有自己的调整机制,官方话就是QRM。轮组附件里就有调整工具,但是为何要调整,要如何调整,包括我和许多用SLR轮组的车友可能都不是很清楚,现在结合TW网友的网文在这里说说,要不然等轮组烂掉可能都还不清楚这个调整时怎么回事。
1.1 free play adjustment
Hub play must always be gauged with the wheel fitted and tightened in the frame or fork. Tightening the quick release skewer significantly increases the lateral pressure
exerted on the bearings. Therefore:
? if there is play in a wheel not fitted into the frame or fork, it may disappear once the wheel has been fitted;
? if there is no play in a wheel not fitted into the frame or fork, it is possible that tightening the quick release skewer will over-stress the bearings, thus damaging them.
Adjust the adjustment nut by fully tightening it and then untightening it by a 1/4 turn, so as to close the quick release lever (CLOSE position) with a suitably large force.
However, a too large tightening force may damage the bearings.
This tightening force is a subjective parameter that is directly dependent on the end user, and as such it is difficult to accurately determine the optimum bearing adjustment
at the factory.
In order to avoid any problems for your customers, we factory set bearing play by simulating an extreme quick release tightening force.
There is therefore likely to be some play in the hub of a new wheel fitted to a bike with a lower quick release tightening force than that used in the factory.
Apply the following procedures to set the amount of play.
WARNING: Adjusting the play is a delicate operation which consists of identifying the balance point between play and no play.
Having no play does not necessarily mean that the hub is correctly adjusted as the bearings may be over-stressed.
1.1.1. QRM+ HUB
QRM+ designates Mavic hubs that can be adjusted using the hub wrench M40123. For the 2005 range, this concept is used on the following wheels:
? iO
? Comete road and track
? Cosmic Carbone SL
? Ksyrium SL
? Ksyrium Elite
? Crossmax SL and SL Disc
? Crossmax XL and XL Disc
? Deemax UST
This hub has an adjustment nut on the left hand side of the wheel compatible with the hub wrench M40123.
This very simple system allows very accurate and quick adjustment of bearing play.
Tools needed
? 1 hub wrench M40123
1. Fit the wheel in the frame or fork and tighten the quick release skewer using a reasonable force;
2. Delicately move the top of the wheel to the right and then the left of the bike to feel the play;
? If there is some play, lightly tighten the adjustment nut using the hub wrench M40123 and check for play: repeat the operation as many times as required until there
is no play;
? If there is no play, to be sure the bearings are not over-stressed, untighten the adjustment nut until some play can be felt and then carry out the above operation.
The 4 lugs of the hub wrench M40123 must be fully inserted into the holes of the adjustment nut, making sure to correctly position the wrench against the nut
(on Crossmax XL Disc and Deemax UST front wheels, only the 2 lugs at the extremities of the wrench are used)。
To avoid damaging the bearings due to over tightening of the adjustment nut, the wrench M40123 is made from resin: a sort of safety valve; the lugs will break before the
bearings are damaged.
但在轮组花鼓与车架(前叉)透过快拆锁紧以才能工作,这时候花鼓尺寸与车架 (前叉)尺寸势必会有一定的公差存在。如果将快拆锁紧以后,造成花鼓的轴承所受到的压力过大,如此一来轮组就会转动不顺。假使快拆上紧 了以后,因为花鼓与车架之间的距离没有配合适当,如此一来就会造成轮组会左右晃动,造成行车危险,虽然这个晃动可能很小。
快拆上紧->花鼓与车架(前叉)间距过小->花鼓中的轴承所受压力过大 = 轮组转动不顺
快拆上紧->花鼓与车架(前叉)间距过大->花鼓中的轴承所受压力过小 = 轮组会左右晃动
因此Mavic 在一些轮组中可以微调花鼓来解决以上的问题。当然SLR也是有提供这种功能的调整,这个调整的机制被称为QRM。