1. 我们拭目以待吧/走着瞧。——萨甘最常见的回答。
We'll see. ——Peter's most favorite and most frequent answer whatever the question
2. 我不知道。——萨甘回答问题时的口头禅。
I don't know. ——Peter's second most favorite and frequent answer whatever the question
3. 这个问题不会困扰我。——萨甘。
It doesn't bother me. ——Peter's third most...blab bla bla
4. 我英语很棒棒。 我只是喜欢说一些奇怪的废话,不让他们来打扰我。神秘是很酷的,这增加了我的神秘感。坎切拉拉会说一些奇怪的英语,没有人取笑他。
My English is perfect. I just like to say garbled nonsense to throw people off and keep them from bothering me. Cryptic is cool and it just adds to my mystique. I mean, Cancellara says some wacky stuff in English and nobody makes fun of him.
5. 什么也没发生,我只是尿不出来。——2012年环瑞士,萨甘有一次在药检中心待了很长一段时间。
Nothing happened, I just couldn’t pee. ——after spending quite a long time in the anti-doping control room at the 2012 Tour de Suisse
6. 我想要一个富婆包养我——萨甘,2010年接受采访的时候
I want a rich girlfriend who will take care of me. ——Peter Sagan (interview in 2010)
7. 我饿。——萨甘回答记者的问题“今天你对什么印象最深”
I'm hungry. ——Peter answers a journalist's question 'What are your impressions of today's stage'
8. 哥哥建议我试一试自行车,然后我发现骑车是世界上最棒的事情。有人觉得我们是怪胎,然而我却毫不在意。——彼得·萨甘
My brother persuaded me to try cycling and I realised it was the best thing in the world. People thought we were strange but I couldn’t have cared less.
9. 只有自然灾害才能阻止我赢得绿衫(萨甘立下的Flag)
Only a natural disaster will prevent me from winning the green jersey.
10. 我不知道怎么打领带,我不得不去看谷歌教程。——萨甘有一次西装革履地参加在斯洛伐克的自行车晚会。
I didn't know how to tie a tie. I had to google video instructions.
11. 去做你爱做的事情吧。这是我唯一的建议。——萨甘
Just do what you love doing. That's my only advice.
12. 每一场比赛我都是冲着胜利去的。
I always race to win.
13. I used to hate road cycling when I was younger.
14. 我觉得我更爱山地车,不过那时候,公路车可以谋生。
I guess I still prefer mountain biking, but then, road cycling can make a living.
15. 我不觉得他比我强。——评价格莱佩尔
I don't think he's stronger than me.——On Greipel
16. 我经历过无数次的摔车。有一次是在停车场,汽车从我身上压过去。还有一次是头撞上了一辆车,然后砸穿了玻璃(笑)。——彼得·萨甘
I've had a lot of bike crashes. Once a car ran me over in a parking lot. I also had a head-on collision with a car and smashed through its front window. ——Peter Sagan
17. 我想要赢得一切——当问及萨甘,他是否有机会拿下世界冠军的时候。
I want to win everything! —— when asked about his chances to be a world champion
18. 说句大实话,公路车于我来说是无聊的运动。看着没多大意思。在电视上我只看最后的五公里,或是冲刺。没别的了。我就是不能忍受连续看四五个小时。这也是为什么我在终点的时候会抬前轮或是庆祝胜利。我是为观众做的,为了鼓励他们对这项运动的兴趣,来让这项运动更有生气......我并不是不尊重对手,我只是想给这项运动带来一些兴奋感。而这正是自行车运动缺乏的。也许会有人因此谴责我,不过我不关心他们的想法。——萨甘2012年语录
To be honest, cycling is a boring sport to me. Boring to watch. When it’s on TV I watch only the last five kilometers or the final sprint. Nothing more. I just can’t stand watching it for 4 or 5 hours. That’s why I do these wheelies and victory celebrations at the finish. I do it all for people, to encourage their interest in the sport, to liven it up, to make it at least a bit exciting to watch....... I don’t mean to show disrespect to my competitors, I only want to bring some thrill into the sport because that’s what cycling lacks and needs so desperately. There will always be someone to criticize me for what I do, but I don’t care what they think.
19. 自行车是非常艰苦的运动。如我我有孩子的话,我不希望我的孩子成为一个PRO车手。
Cycling is a very tough sport. I wouldn't want my own kid, if I ever had one, to be a pro cyclist.
20. 如果你想赢,那你必须是鲁莽的。
You have to be brash if you want to win.
21. 我不想和其他车手比较,我只想做彼得·萨甘。
I don't want to be compared to other riders. I want to be Peter Sagan.
22. 我希望我能多训练,多骑车,多赢几场。但是我不希望我要接受太多的采访。
I expected that I'd have to do a lot of training, cycling, winning. I didn't expect I'd have to do a lot of interviews."
23. 奥运赛事奇奇怪怪的。
The Olympic race is weird.
24. 我很高兴如此多的人来看绿色的小丑。——萨甘看到如此多的人来看自己参加家乡的活动。
I’m glad so many people came to see the clown in green.
25. 我的注意力在路上。——萨甘被问及是否有看到奥运会上路上的斯洛伐克国旗和车迷。
I have mostly noticed the road. ——when asked if he noticed Slovakian flags and fans lining the Olympic road
26. 我做出绿巨人的表情是因为当浩克愤怒的时候,他会变绿也会更加强大。
I did a Hulk expression because when he gets angry he turns green and more powerful. —— relieved after winning Stage 6 of the Tour de France
27. 我爱绿色。——赢得环法绿衫之后。
I like green. —— after winning the TdF green jersey
28. 你会把视频发给我吗?——当记者给他看一个小视频:他给女粉丝的胸部签名的视频。
You send me this video? —— after seeing a journalist's video of him signing a female fan's breast
I'm certainly not a time trialist. But over short distances, like a prologue, I can maximize my power.
30. 我还年轻,我至今不知道我的极限在哪里。
I'm a young guy. I still don't know what my limits are.
31. 过去经历的一切都是对未来的经验。今天我才意识到我可以赢得古典赛。
Everything is experience for the future. Today I realized that I can win a classic.
32. 我做这些就像阿甘一样。当他们让阿甘跑步的时候,阿甘就跑。当他们让我赢得比赛的时候,我就去赢。
I do it like Forrest Gump. When they told him to run, he ran. When they tell me to win, I win.
33. 哈喽,大家好,我是萨甘,我为佳能戴尔天然气车队骑车。还有......额就这些。 ——萨甘在视频中的自我介绍。
Hello everyone, I'm Peter Sagan and I ride for Liquigas Cannondale and...that's al, heh. ——Peter's own self introduction in a video